
Learner drivers invited to book their free Keys2drive lesson now!

Tasmania learner drivers are invited to take advantage of the national Keys2drive learner driver safety program and receive a free lesson with a Keys2drive accredited driving instructor.

Keys2drive has now delivered over 700,000 free lessons nationally and is funded by the Federal Government.

The free lesson uses atrain the trainer’ model with the accredited driving instructor assisting the supervisor (often a parent) to guide the learner driver to adopt safe driving practices. It does this through face-to-face practical information and instruction on how they can most effectively assist in the training of their learner drivers.

Keys2drive provides a different approach to learning to drive – a coaching method called ‘find your own way’ which encourages the learner driver to make their own decisions rather than always being told what to do.  This technique assists a learner driver to become P plate ready. Over time, this approach will help create a new culture of safer driving.

The Australian Automobile Association and its constituent motoring clubs are delighted to be working in partnership with the Federal Government and the driver training industry to implement the Keys2drive program.

Throughout Tasmania, driving instructors have been Keys2drive accredited and are available now for free lessons.

Advice Driving School driving instructor, Shreehari Nepal encourages learner drivers and their parents or supervisors to log on to the Keys2drive website or to book for a free lesson now.

For further information about the Keys2drive program, visit


Contact:           SHREEHARI NEPAL – 0467 560 050

Keys2drive       1800 696 929